Paleo Recipes

Its not a diet. It's realizing you have the potential to live stronger and live longer.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 34: you wouldn't, shouldn't and sometimes couldn't do CrossFit alone :)

Sleep: 8hours or so

Food: bacon. eggs. sausage. paleo pancakes w/ banana and blueberries. coffee. spinach salad w/ chicken and tomato. brussel sprouts. carrots. a couple blueberries. Chipotle dinner! steak. pico de gallo! red pepper, green pepper, red onion, lettuce. prunes and wine.

Gym: Team WOD - laura, scott, rob, me - time = 43 minutes

BASE Station = 15 35#KB swings, 15 thrusters 65-50#s, 15 20inch box jumps
50 squats
base station
50 pullups
base station
25 burpees
base station
tire flip

ugh. it was one of those days. it was just one of those days that I was not mentally and physically ready for this kind of a morning WOD and I knew since breakfast this was supposed to be a rest day. Regardless of my senses of doubt, I participated. Indeed I wasn't proud of my performance. I began with 65# thrusters (BECAUSE THAT IS NORMAL FOR ME), I had to go down 5 pounds the next round, and fighting back the tears, I had to go down another 10 in the middle of round 2. I could tell, my weight wasn't on my heels, my core was just not tight enough. I WAS ALL OVER THE PLACE, wiggling front and back and left and right. If it werent for my team, I just wouldn't have made it. I was disappointed and I hope I get out of this ridiculous rut soon.

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