Paleo Recipes

Its not a diet. It's realizing you have the potential to live stronger and live longer.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Chicken

Ingredients: warm the George Forman or go out and buy one
7 strips of chicken
1 sweet potato
1 bowl of broccoli
1/2 or so butternut squash
some olive oil
1 garlic clove minced (I hope by this point you always have one in your fridge)
sprinkle of Thyme
sprinkle of Sage
sprinkle of pepper

I got home at 9pm thinking, "I don't want to make a big meal, so I'll just have chicken." It's usually just that, but I really enjoyed my homemade chicken seasoning.

First, heat a pan on medium for the chicken, then start on cutting the Sweet Potato. 1/2 sweet potato per person is a good amount.  So cut it up into little fry pieces.  Make sure you oil them up with olive oil.  Put them in the George Forman, turn them once or twice, and YUMMI!  It should take around 10-15 minutes for them to cook.

When the pan gets warm, add about 1tsp olive oil - or just dribble around the pan.  Add minced garlic to the oil, stir for a second.  Add the chicken to the pan.  I sprinkled the Thyme, Sage, and pepper only on 1 side on purpose. They will cook rather quickly, about 3 minutes per side. I usually just watch the chicken cook through until it's only half rare, then I flip.

While the chicken is cooking put 1Tbs. water in your broccoli bowl and cover with saran wrap or put it in a steam bag or steam it on the stove top if you have the pans.  I added some leftover brussel sprouts to the broccoli.  Put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes for a medium bowl. If you make a lot for the family, it'll be longer.

You can put butternut squash in a bowl with some water and cover for . . . lets say 6 minutes? Just make sure you can easily poke a fork into it like a soggy potato.  Shaun and I traded cooking places and he did a wonderful job finishing the 3rd veggie side!  He had both the broccoli and the squash in the microwave for 10 minutes (I already had the broccoli in for 2 before trading).  The squash was uncovered but drenched in water.  It turned out super moist when i drained it, and it was super Tasty!

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