SLEEP: 11 hours (ok so i slept in)
FOOD: my favorite breakfast 3 paleo pancakes overflowing with juicy blueberries cooked in the center, 1 egg w/bacon bits, 2 strawberies, chicken.
GYM: 5 pushpress (75#), 15 jumping squats(10lb. holding plate), 5 PP, 12 JS, 5PP, 9JS, 5 PP. Time = 4:12
REFLECTION: I know that it is only 1:30pm right now, but I have to say it right now - it's THAT TIME of the month and it's been 4 days i've not had any CRAMP or DISCOMFORT for the first time ever! I feel nothing at all, like it doesn't exist!! The only thing I've changed is fact i'm not eating GRAINS and DAIRY and SUGAR.
I googled the topic and found many testimonials about paleo diminishes or gets rid of cramps - and a little bit of exercise is all the better - I was trying to figure it out; which is it, the dairy? the wheat? or the sugar? I am guessing my gluten free diet is much to thank, plus a HUGE lack of sugar. I ALSO read (this is for my one blogger follower) from one woman's testiment that after 12 months on paleo her birth was not painful, but rather "orgasmic." We all need a little bit of that now and then.
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